Sunday, May 27, 2012


"I want to be like my parents and i also don't want to be like them"... yes, a sentence with bipolar views.

However, this makes enough sense to me. 

Most of us, (at least the lucky few) get to live with our parents for a considerable amount of time. As we grow we observe their behavior, we understand what ticks them off, we know the right times to bring up heavy topics, we know when to crack a joke and we know when to leave them alone. 

We know so much about our parents, that we don't realise we're becoming like them. Their habits, gestures, become ours. Their way of speaking, and doing things becomes a part of us. I'm not saying, we're carbon copy's...but there are parts of them, that shine through in us.

But, would i want to be a carbon copy? How would i evolve if i didn't let go of the parts i didn't like about them?...How would i be a better or more evolved person if i was a mere replica of them. 

And so...i choose what parts of my parents i want to keep with me, and nurture...and what parts i want to throw away, because it left a bad taste in my mouth, or i felt hurt and disturbed. 

Parenting is hard, it is the toughest job ever. To take care of your children for life, that's bloody tough. 
And taking care doesn't restrict itself to providing food, shelter, education, clothing! What about emotional care? conversation? Sharing a meal, playing a board game? Taking a vacation? Those are what make good families, and happy children. Families that really "stick". 

I think i digressed a little, but you know what i mean?. 


  1. Yes,Shruts, I know exactly what you mean.

  2. I think, the fact that we want to be like our parents in some ways and at the same time assert our individuality, keeps the human race going. Taking the point a bit forward, what we are - how we think, what opinions we have, are so much a reflection of the society and culture we live in and how much have we allow it to seep into us. So there is always going to be a conflict on how much we hold onto and how much we let go and embrace the new. After all, in whatever we chose to do, we still love some continuity but at the same time, something new, something fresh, right? A fine balance is something that most of us aspire for. Except the ones who revolutionize the world though :)

    1. ha ha! very well said...i'd like to revolutionize though! :)

  3. Good beginning...musings on life by a 24 year old? :)

  4. Thank you Abhi Kaka, always been musing...sometimes im able to write about it, sometimes i just let them go..thank you for reading! :)
